Baroque is alive and well and living in Pertelli (St Bartholomew) Finland

January 27, 2010

 AKU_8080The Salo Chamber Choir (Salonkamarikuoro)  recently recorded three gems for their upcoming album (Baroque compilation). The recording venue was the medieval church of St Bartholomew, located in the hamlet of the same name (Fin. Pertteli), ten kilometres from Salo centre. Although the church is small, its stone walls, mass and openness imbues it with favourable acoustic properties. Baroque music thrives in such milieus.
Let there be no doubt, baroque music is the most intricate, most brilliant human activity ever devised to keep idle hands busy.

The first three recorded pieces are beautiful in their brevity and polyphonic playfulness.
One of my favourite is … O bone Jesu Tommaso Bai  (1636-1714)
Using earphones will enhance your appreciation of the music.